Archdiocesan Administration

Unless otherwise stated, archdiocesan offices and agencies are located at:

Archbishop Edward T. O’Meara Catholic Center
1400 North Meridian Street, Indianapolis, IN 46202-2367
317-236-1400, 1-800-382-9836, Fax: 317-236-1401

Office of the Archbishop
Most Rev. Charles C. Thompson
Christa Bunch, Executive Assistant 

Office of the Vicar General/Moderator of the Curia
Rev. Msgr. William F., Stumpf, PhD
Theresa Brydon, Executive Assistant 

Office of the Chancellor
Christopher Walsh, EdD, Chancellor
Cathy Mayer, Executive Assistant 

Office of the Vicar Judicial
Very Rev. Joseph L. Newton, JCL

Office of the General Counsel
John S. (Jay) Mercer

Leadership Team
Most Rev. Charles C. Thompson
Rev. Msgr. William F. Stumpf, PhD, Vicar General/Moderator of the Curia
Christopher Walsh, EdD, Chancellor
Very Rev. Patrick J. Beidelman
Very Rev. Timothy Wyciskalla, VE
Brian Disney, EdD
Brian Burkert
Greg Otolski
Andrea Wunnenberg

Council of Priests
Most Rev. Charles C. Thompson
Rev. Msgr. William F. Stumpf, PhD, Vicar General/Moderator of the Curia
Christopher Walsh, EdD, Chancellor
Very Rev. Joseph Newton, VJ
Very Rev. Timothy Wyciskalla, VE
Rev. James Brockmeier
Rev. Sean R. Danda
Rev. Robert Jason Hankee
Rev. Robert T. Hausladen
Rev. J. Nicholas Dant
Rev. Martin Day, O.F.M. Conv.
Rev. Dennis Duvelius
Rev. Bill Marks
Rev. Peter Marshall
Rev. Jonathan P. Meyer
Rev. Chris Wadelton
Rev. Luke Waugh, O.S.B.
Rev. D. Michael Welch (Retired)

Very Reverend Douglas W. Marcotte, VF
Very Reverend Richard M. Ginther, VF
Very Reverend Stephen W. Giannini, VF
Very Reverend John P. McCaslin, VF
Very Reverend Michael T. Keucher, VF
Very Reverend Patrick F. Hyde, OP, VF
Very Reverend Sengole Thomas Gnanaraj, VF
Very Reverend Jeremy M. Gries, VF
Very Reverend Daniel J. Staublin, VF
Very Reverend Benjamin D. Syberg, VF
Very Reverend Anthony P. Hollowell, VF

College of Consultors
Most Rev. Charles C. Thompson, Chairman
Rev. Msgr. William F. Stumpf, VE
Very Rev. Eric M. Johnson, VE
Rev. William Marks
Rev. Peter Marshall
Rev. Jonathan Meyer
Rev. Christopher Wadelton
Rev. D. Michael Welch (Retired)

Finance Council
Most Rev. Charles C. Thompson, Chairman
Rev. Msgr. William F. Stumpf, PhD, Vicar General/Moderator of the Curia
Brian Burkert, Chief Financial Officer
Patrick Carney, Chair
J. Patrick Byrne
Steve Gutzwiler
Martha Lehman, JD
Lance Lyday
Bruce Rippe
Andy Rinzel
Jeff Whiting

Priests’ Personnel Board
Most Rev. Charles C. Thompson, President
Rev. Tom Clegg
Very Rev. Timothy Wyciskalla, VE
Very Rev. Douglas M. Marcotte, VF
Rev. Jonathan P. Meyer
Very Rev. Joseph B. Moriarty
Rev. Paul M. Shikany
Rev. Robert W. Sims

Catholic Community Foundation, Inc.
Board of Trustees

Most Rev. Charles C. Thompson, Chairman
Rev. Msgr. William F. Stumpf, PhD
Steve Gaylord, President
John Graham, Vice President
Brian Burkert, Treasurer
Chris Hirschfeld, Secretary
James S. Laudick, Immediate Past President
Jolinda Moore, Executive Director

Advisors to the Board and Staff

Rev. Clem Davis
Very Rev. John McCaslin, VF
John S. "Jay" Mercer, JD

Advisory Board Members
Mary Horn
Deacon Marc Kellams
Norman C. Kruer
Judith Palmer

Deacons’ Personnel Board
Very Rev. Eric M. Johnson, VE, Chair
Dcn. Michael East, Chair
Dcn. Ron Pirau
Dcn. Thomas Horn
Dcn. David Henn
Lynn Bower
Paula Slinger

Deacon Community Board Members
Very Rev. Eric M. Johnson, VE, Chair
Dcn. Michael East, Vice Chair
Dcn. Larry French
Dcn. Rick Cooper
Wendy Braun
May Jones

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