December 22, 2023

Statement from the Archdiocese of Indianapolis on “Fiducia Supplicans”

The Declaration, “Fiducia Supplicans” from the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, focuses on individuals regardless of their status or situations. This focus is consistent with the Church’s longstanding teaching and belief that no person is beyond the scope of divine mercy, healing and reconciliation.

A blessing, as noted in the document, is a pastoral gesture to those seeking divine grace in overcoming challenges or struggles in their lives. Such blessings, the document stresses, are not to be issued as formal prayers or rituals, but prudently provided to those who request a simple blessing.

As stated in the Declaration itself: Blessings are among the most widespread and evolving sacramentals. Indeed, they lead us to grasp God’s presence in all the events of life and remind us that, even in the use of created things, human beings are invited to seek God, to love him, and to serve him faithfully. (#8)

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