October 20, 2023

How has God made his presence known in your life? Share it with our readers

The Criterion is inviting you, our readers, to share your thoughts and stories about this question, “How has God made his presence known in your life?”

Maybe you routinely feel his presence in an everyday situation. Maybe you have known his presence in a life-changing moment. Maybe it’s happened in your relationship with a family member, a friend or even a stranger. Maybe it was in a dark time of your life or an especially joyful one.

Whatever the case may be, we would like to hear your thoughts and your stories. Send your submissions to John Shaughnessy by e-mail at jshaughnessy@archindy.org or by mail in care of The Criterion, 1400 N. Meridian St., Indianapolis, IN 46202. Please include your parish and a daytime phone number where you can be reached. †






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