October 20, 2023

Letters to the Editor

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No letters were printed this week; here is the letter from three weeks ago:

Editorial helps reader better comprehend upcoming synod and what it’s about

I want to compliment The Criterion for the editorial “Preparing for the October Synod” in the Sept. 22 issue.

The differences in opinion on the Synod on Synodality have been so extreme, with so many people expressing their confusion about it. The opinion piece written by Daniel Conway was extremely easy to understand.

It was the first time I read about what Pope Francis called the “risks.” They too were easy to comprehend.

As a Catholic of 85 years, I always have cherished the belief that our Church is guided by the Holy Spirit.

I believe that the Holy Spirit guided the election of Pope Francis and continues to guide him in the synodal process.

As we Catholics ponder how the Holy Spirit is guiding us, I wonder if it might be wrong to question the pope’s continued guidance of holy Mother Church.

- Dottie Morris | Indianapolis

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