June 23, 2023

My Journey to God

Take Flight

The time is early morning.
     Unwilling to leave my bed.
I keep my eyes closed
     and speak with you instead.

“Please take me somewhere beautiful,
     with views from Heaven above.
“Show me your landscape artistry.
     “Your creations made with love.”

My eyes are still closed,
     yet I can see clearly.
A virtual beauty surrounds me,
     feeling you embrace me dearly.

We begin to take flight.
     Escalated heights into the sky.
Gently secured in your arms,
     I release a tranquil sigh.

I see the majestic waterfalls.
     The treetops glisten with light.
The birds fly beneath me.
     The sun above shines bright.

You come into my dreams
     gifting a scenic, breathtaking sight.
When I close my eyes,
     embrace me to take flight.

By Stephanie Jackson

(Stephanie Jackson is a member of St. Vincent DePaul Parish in Bedford.)

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