February 10, 2023

My Journey to God

Imagine the Unborn

Imagine ALL unborn babies
receiving the Gift of Life
Instead of having it ended
by a doctor’s Knife.
Imagine a God who
loves us like no others
Who gives a special blessing
to all Mothers.
Imagine a God who does
NOT make Mistakes.
When a baby’s life is taken,
God’s heart Breaks.
Imagine a God who
wants us to do his Will
He tells us all
“Thou Shall Not Kill.”
Imagine a God who wants the unborn
to live and to Be
God said, “Whatsoever you do to the least
of my brothers, that you do unto Me.”
Imagine we all have a purpose
and a value in God’s Eyes.
God loves us all
regardless of Size.
Imagine that a disability is
NOT a reason to Kill.
God creates everyone
so, we can do His Will.
You may think that I am a dreamer,
but it is easy to See—
I have a disability, but doing God’s will
is what matters to Me.

By Mark J. Hublar

(Mark J. Hublar is a member of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish in New Albany.)

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