October 21, 2022


Former Colts’ coach Tony Dungy will lead the continuing march toward a culture of life

Former Indianapolis Colts head coach Tony Dungy has never been shy about sharing his Christian faith. 

He and his wife Lauren are also very vocal about their pro-life beliefs. 

The couple believes life begins at conception and that every child—born and unborn—is a gift from God.  

They have voiced their support for the June overturning of Roe v. Wade by the U.S. Supreme Court and also walk the talk when discussing how every child—including those who are the most vulnerable—deserves a home. The Dungy household currently includes 11 children—eight adopted children and three foster children, according to an interview on Christian Broadcast News (CBN). 

A member of the Pro Football Hall of Fame and a TV football analyst, Tony Dungy will headline the 2023 March for Life in Washington on Jan. 20. The theme for the landmark 50th March for Life—the first since the overturning of Roe—is “Next Steps: Marching into a Post-Roe America.”

March for Life’s website (cutt.ly/MFL50) lists three reasons why the march will continue: to advocate for the advancement of federal pro-life policies; to urge state legislators to pass life-saving protections for the unborn; and to continue to increase the safety net for moms and babies, especially by supporting pregnancy resource centers and maternity homes in communities that provide love, compassion, and resources to women, children and families.

“For half a century, our dedicated marchers have traveled from all over the country to peacefully march in Washington, D.C. for the protection of the unborn, and their efforts have paid off,” said Jeanne Mancini, president of March for Life, during an Oct. 13 press conference. “This year’s historic march will not only be a celebration of the monumental Supreme Court victory that overturned Roe v. Wade but will also mark the start of a new leg on our journey toward building a culture of life.” 

While some are calling Dungy’s decision to take part in the annual pro-life event courageous, on Twitter he cited the Bible and said, “Not really. Just doing what the Lord asked us to do. ‘And he will answer, I tell you the truth, when you refused to help the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were refusing to help me’ ” (Mt 25:45). 

“We believe that we’re being obedient to God’s calling on our lives,” Lauren Dungy said in the CBN interview. “We both love children and are passionate about mentoring, supporting and encouraging children and actually people of all ages.” 

While some may believe the work to help protect unborn children is no longer a major concern, that sentiment could not be further from the truth.  

Here in the Hoosier State, the Indiana Supreme Court announced last week it will take jurisdiction over a lawsuit that put a temporary hold on the state’s new law that gives legal protection to nearly all unborn babies.  

The court also denied an emergency request by the state to undo that hold, which a lower court placed on the new abortion law on Sept. 22—a week after it took effect. That means the legal protection given to most unborn babies in the state will continue to be paused as the court case progresses. Oral arguments for the case are scheduled to be heard on Jan. 12, which means abortion centers across the state can legally perform abortions on babies up to 22 weeks’ gestation for the foreseeable future.

In a statement, Indiana Right to Life CEO Mike Fichter expressed disappointment that the court is allowing the injunction against Indiana’s new abortion law to remain in effect pending the January hearing. 

“We are deeply disappointed the Indiana Supreme Court will allow the injunction against Indiana’s new abortion law to remain in effect pending appeal. We estimate at least 3,000 unborn babies, whose lives otherwise might have been saved, will now needlessly die from abortion as the law remains blocked,” he said. “Thousands more will die as we await a final ruling after the January hearing. Although we are confident the law will be upheld, it will be far too late for those whose lives will be lost as this is argued in the courts.” 

The court’s decision reminds us, sadly, our prayers to protect unborn children in Indiana must continue.

And like the Dungys, let’s do all we can to build a culture of life, reminding others that every child—born and unborn—is a gift from God.

—Mike Krokos 

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